

華山基金會服務2萬多位65歲以上失能、失依、失智的長者 在台灣各鄉鎮市區設立愛心天使站,照顧當地的老人 讓長輩在熟悉的環境下終老 請支持在地服務 讓溫暖沒有距離

The Huashan social welfare foundation give service to about twenty thousand of sixty-five years old elders that aren’t capable of acting, can’t depend on their family or having dementia syndrome. In Taiwan, we've set up service stations everywhere in each city for taking care the elder.we hope the elder can live and end up in their familiar environment. Please support our local service for the elder. Let our service to warm up their heart.

音樂出處:Jason piano 流行鋼琴音樂-淚光閃閃(夏川里美) 攝影團隊:貳樓視覺2F PhotoStudio